1. Partner dancing reflects the historical values of a society rooted in inequality.
2. Society is changing, increasingly attempting to establish a new balance in our relationships with others based on equality. Shouldn’t our dancing evolve, too? We think it's time it did.
3. Over time, we’ve developed a technique to promote equality in our own dancing.
At first we had our doubts. Could both dancers have an equal voice without it resulting in chaos? Could we maintain the essence of balboa without robbing it of its identity? Could we keep the flow and the esthetic? Could this technique be easily applied by anyone who wished to use it? Our desire to share and make this dance an equal conversation led us to apply geometry, math and physics to our movement, and after four years of research—we did it.
Now we know the Balanced Dancing technique is effective for both social dancers and professionals looking to enhance their dancing and the quality of their interactions with other dancers.
- Increased body awareness and control
- Heightened sensitivity to your partner’s movement and as a result, greater responsiveness
- Greater range of self-expression for both dancers
- Better flow
- More versatile dancing
- Less pressure to lead or follow “right”
- Lower risk of injury